Friday, August 13, 2010

Diabetes and Me Day 9

Another ok day. It was good not to have to go to the Doctors or have a blood test, they're running out of room on my arm!!!

The diet is going well, Looking round Morrisons today I rediscovered Quorn Vegaterian food, it tastes fine and as little fat and hardly any carbohydrate.

My glucose rate was 13.5mmo/l, even though it is higher than yesterday, it is still lower than what is as been. I think the deciding factor was the lack of my bike ride. Yesterday afternoon rained really hard so I didn't go out. However at about 7.30pm the sun came out and I went on a good 1-1/2 hour ride. I made it up Gorsy Bank which is a pig of a climb and a bigger pig to get to.

I'm getting my taste back for bike riding, who knows if I really get back on the bike I may have to treat myself to a better bike....

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