Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Bangkok Life part 16

We got back from Pattaya on sunday, as I looked out from the balcony, I noticed that a piece of waste ground had been cleared, not in itself a problem. Except that this piece of ground had my local coke and fried chicken joint on it, so now when I finish my bike rides i'm going to have to find a new place to get my ice cold coke.
We also added to our collection of orchids, I haven't a clue what variety they are, but at only 65p each i'm going to buy quite a few more.
Every so often Nuch buys a Thai newspaper, these are great! On the front cover there are always lurid pictures of bloody crime scenes and road accidents, on the font page of this one there is a picture of a fleash covered knife pulled out of one of four schoolgirls attacked by a real mental case, it turns out the 35 year old woman had a thing against Indian and Chinese people, shame all the victims were Thai. Other pictures include Tata Young who is bigger than Madonna in Thailand, a fake jeans factory bust and a dead deer. Not sure about the deer story. "Its all Thai to me".

(Click on picture to enlarge)

Not heard about when I will start my new job yet, so i'm making the most of my time, when you read this I will probaly be playing golf again.

Lastly, many thanks to Emma for sending me over a food parcel from england, very much appreciated, the last picture is the parcel I will be sending back, it includes:

1 can Beer chang
1 bottle Thai Red Bull
1 can Ice Coffee 1 carton Green Tea
1 jar Thai Chilli Paste (very spicy)
1 jar Fish Oil (use like salt)
1 pkt Super Noodles
1 pkt Green Curry Mix
1 pkt Dried Squid Snacks
1 pkt Seaweed Snacks
1 pkt Dried Fruit Sweets
1 pkt Thai Sweets
On its way to you Emma.

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