Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Eve 2007

For the first time in a long time I was looking forward to New Years Eve, it meant somnething and i'm looking forward to 2008..

Oui came round for a bit of a DO!, Nuch cooked up some lovely Thai dishes and they alked the night away as only two Thai birds together can.

We watched the New Year in on the BBC, the firework display down in London was amazing, however this was over shadowed by the news of 30 people injured in a blast in Thailand.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day 2007

Im not sure who was more excited, me or Elizabeth?

As you can see from the picture, she had far too many presents for someone who doesn't even believe in christianity. She still wasn't quite able to open her own presents needing a little help from Nuch and I.

fter a quick visit to my Mum's I set about cooking Christmas dinner, Nuch's friend Oui was coming over for dinner. I can honestly say now it was a good dinner, cooked to perfection and all ready at the same time. Elizabeth had everything we had and she tucked in with gusto.

Oui ended up staying quite late, which was good for Nuch, she also took a family picture which is very unusual, we only have a few of us all together. Well that might be Christmas done for another year, but it was a good one and now Nuch as experienced an english Christmas.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Not to Plan

Yesterday saw the big election in Thailand. The first since the illegal over throwing of the democatic elected goverment last september.

Mr. Samk PPP Leader

The Army had hoped that their man from the Democratic Party was a shoe in, he is even more slimy than Tony Blair and David Cameron put together. The middle class where so happy with the Coup, even though it made Thailand the laughing stock of the world. Now the chickens are home to roost, the piblic and in particular the rural community have had a chance to speak. They voted squarely to support the PPP, a party born of Thaksin Shinawatra TRT party. Thaksin will be laughing himself silly at the result. PPP got 232 out of 480 seats, not a majority, but with several of the smaller parties being ex Thaksin chums, it seems the PPP willform the next goverment.

In short this could be a terbulant time for Thailand, but providing the Army except the result then only good will come from it.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sick Bastard

The above photo is from a news story by Pattaya City News , a sicko 25 year old , pissed up. Broke into a neighbours apartment and tried to rape her 10 year old daughter.

You can see the girl and Mother identifying him. The copper holding his head is a fair indication of the treatment that wil be meated out to him when out of camara. Phew, not good!

A court day is to be set, he as already admitted his guilt.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas back in the UK

Too be fair, christmas last year wasn't the best I had. Nuch was at work, couldn't get a christmas dinner for love or money and Elizabeth was to young to understand what is going on.

This year will be different, Elizabeth is older, but still not aware of what is going on. She made the fairy on the top of tree at nursery and is being her usual Angel self. Obviously, Elizabeth being Buddhist wont have any bearings on the good time we hope to have.
She as left the presents and christmas tree alone, i'm sure on christmas day she'll be more interested in the paper rather than the present. We have bought her a proper doll, it is a pig ugly brute, looks more like Chucky.
Anyway got to go, got the last of Nuch's present to finish wrapping.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

DCFC Less said the better

I shall no longer be blogging about Derby County until they are out of the bottom three, so I doubt you'll here about them here till the start of next season.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas shopping hell

Saturday saw a 2-1/2 hour marathon around ASDA! Not the plesent trip Julie Walters will have you believe, but an all out battle to get round without becoming a victim to shopping rage.

As you can see from the picture above, i'm directing Nuch in a flanking formation towards the Turkey crowns. The operation was successful with only a huge dent in the wallet as damage.

Hopefully thats it now. Anyone who hasn't done their main christmas shop, God help you!!!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Thai Kings 80th Birthday

Not much can bring the life of the noisy, traffic-clogged heart of Bangkok to a halt.
But on Wednesday the streets were hushed, the cars and buses banished.
All you could hear were speakers playing the royal anthem, and thousands of flags fluttering in the breeze, held by people of all ages.
Most were dressed in yellow and had waited for hours for a glimpse of a stiff and stern-faced old man passing in a motorcade, on his way to the gilded halls and temples of Bangkok's Grand Palace.
And as it passed they shouted "Song Phra Charoen", "Long Live Your Majesty". Some had tears in their eyes.
What explains this extraordinary bond between people and monarch?
King Bhumibol Adulyadej is accorded an almost divine reverence, with titles like Phra Chao Yu Hua (Lord Upon our Heads) or Chao Chiwit (Lord of Life).
People prostrate themselves on the ground in his presence. Yet there is genuine affection too, and it goes both ways.
Thais talk of their love for him as though he were a cherished member of the family.
In his speeches to the nation he likes to joke and tease them.

Earlier in his reign when he was younger and travelled a lot, he clearly enjoyed meeting and mixing with people from the poorest rural communities.
People often refer to his long life of service to the nation, to his experiments with agriculture and irrigation, many of them carried out on the grounds of his palace in Bangkok.
The formidable public relations machine which manages the monarchy's image makes much of these experiments, as it does of the king's other talents as a jazz musician and sailor.
But the real measure of these achievements is impossible to know in a country where all criticism of the monarchy is curtailed by the draconian lese majeste law (offence against the dignity of the monarch), and only lavish praise for the royal family can be published.
The reverence for the king seems rooted in something less worldly.
Time after time when Thais are asked about the virtues of King Bhumibol they refer to his proper adherence to the principles of "Dhamma", Buddhist teachings and the Buddhist concept of righteousness.
It is not just his practical deeds they are looking at, but his manner; his modesty, his reserve, his gentleness, and his apparent detachment from the world - qualities he has worked hard to perfect and project.
He is as much a spiritual leader as a worldly one.
Even though he isn't my King, I do wish him all the best.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Next New Job

Yep! I've changed jobs again,this time i'm confident that i've found the place i'll retire from.

The last place just wasn't working out, a totally unachievable target, not the support I was promised and a sales efos that conflicted with mine,

So its on to pastures new as a Contracts Manager for a good friend, hopefully never a dull day, a super package and christmas off work for the first time.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Sudan and Teddy Bears

The phrase "Beggars belief" doesn't start to explain the situation a 54yr old Brit as found herself in whilst teaching in Sudan.

Gillian Gibbons, a respected teacher from Liverpool was teaching a primary class in Sudan and asked the children to name the teddy. The most popular name was "Muhammad". Fairly ordinary. Unfortunately not in one of several backward Muslim countries around the world. After being grassed up by a fellow teacher she as recieved 15 days in a hell hole prison, serving time with hardened criminals like adultrers and woman who have accused the wrong man of rape.

The UK goverment as protested strongly, great!

I would put an immrdiate freeze on any Sudanese person entering the UK, Do spot checks on all Sudanese immigrants. Should there be any infringement of their visa, they're back to Sudan on the first plane.

I'm sick of these wacko states spouting Islam as the law. I feel sorry for the so called normal muslims who are labelled with the same tag. But they need to start having a go at these states rather than calling UK citizens for negative Islam views.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Troubled South

One of the reasons for the illegal military coup last year was the then goverments not too hot record dealing with the troubled south.

In the southern five states of Thailand there as been an insurgency by Muslim extremists who want to be part of Malaysia, into the mix had organised crimes and plenty of inter village vendetta and you have nearly 3000 deaths in four years.

The Junta doesn't seem to have coped any better than the previous goverment, only today a army informer was disembowelled, shot and then crucified with a warning tape to him warning others not to turn supergrass. Later that night two Buddhist were shot and be-headed by insurgents for being nothing more than of the wrong religion.

I have no axe to grind either way, but from the outside the south does seem to get a raw deal from the central goverment and over heavy handed tatics by goverments aren't working. I hope it doesn't spread because not too far away are the resort islands of Phucket and Koh Samui, any attack on these tourist traps would deal a serious blow to the thai economy.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Jewel in the Crown

It as been annouced today that Paul Jewell is the new Boss of the Rams. I think this is a positive step, he is proven in the Prem and as a good record of great escapes. Also he is teaming up with his old No. 2 Chris Hutchins, who also as alot of experience.
So come on rams, lets see some results from now on. Lets start with a win against the Mackams on saturday.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Billy Davies gone

The news that I had been waiting for happened today. Billy davies was fired as Manager of the Rams, this i'm not upset about!

Yes, he got us into the Premiership. After that he as done nothing that as had a positive effect on Derby. The players he as bought have genrally not performed, Earnshaw hardly performing at all. A 33 goal concede and only 1 win in the Prem can only mean one thing? The Bullet, this as been duly fired and Billy as taken in on the chin together with a £3/4m pay off.

Who next?

Three names are:

Steve McClaren (Please no)
Paul Jewel (Uuummm? Could be)
Paul Ince (Possibility)

We'll see.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The First Snow

This afternoon and all night we had the first snow of this winter, unuasually early if you ask me!

This is the first snow that Nuch as ever seen and she was very excited, I took Elizabeth and Nuch outside into the snow. Elizabeth took it in her usual matter of fact way she excepts everything in life. Nuch began thinking about her early morning walk to work which suddenly took on a "Scott of the Antartic" feel.

Luckily by morning most of the snow had gone.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Children in Need

I have to be honest, Children in Need on the BBC as always passed me by. This year Elizabeth's Nursery is having a fund raising day zzzzzzzz!

They have asked for all the children to go in fancy dress with the enthasis on making the costumes yourself. I decided to send Elizabeh as a Pirate, complete with hat, sword, belt, tatto and face paint. She seemed to be enjoying herself and loved the sword. God help some of the kids at Nursery.

They are having a few activities tonight, including a raffle with a Rams shirt. I think i'll win that.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Labour relations Thai Style

"I only said he was a shite Sparky"
In the UK when you have a disagreement with employer or a fellow employee; there are certain recourses. Your Manager, Foreman or your Union Rep. Failing all this and especially with Psyhco nutters, you have too go through the courts.

In Thailand things can get different! I found this story on Pattaya City News about a fall out between an Hotel emplyee and a Hotel technician. Basically the employee had asked the Technician to do a job in a Hotel. The Jontiam Beach Resort, which we have stayed in at Pattaya. the Tech obviously was too busy and gave him some sort of finger. The Hotel employee then must have given him a dressing down, which is a big mistake. Never cause a Thai to loose face or as happened in this case, retribution can be painful.

Later that night said Hotel employee was having a cheeky beer after work and a gang of moped riders went past with the Techie on one of the bikes, a few minutes later they rode past agisn, opening fire with shotguns and handguns! Employee and mate were both hit, one in the stomach. Both will make a full recovery, but how they handle disputes in the future will change.

Police are currently searching for said Techie, he probobly want get charged, more likely a bribe, a bit of blood money and a good old fashioned police kicking. Now thats justice done the right way.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


In my job, the use of a Sat Nav is a must. Whilst I know my way to most cities in the Gt. Britian, once you get there you have to either rely on a basic set of directions from the customer or a dodgy set off the internet. These you have to read as you drive, so not to safe.

Sat Nav as made things alot easier, providing you do a few simple things;

  • If you know where you are don't use the satnav, you'll only laugh at ways that it tells you.
  • When you have an idea different to the satnav as to where your'e going, a general rule is to follow the satnav, unless you hear that you maybe heading into a traffic jam.
  • The satnav is only as good as the data you input into it.
Basically, a tool of my trade.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Back on the treader

This time its for real, i'm going to get fit!

After a recent visit to the Doctors, she left me with a few real choices to make. Get fit and watch my daughter grow up or don't get fit and?????

So i'm altering my diet, sticking to what the Doc says, going to Hospital for tests when i'm told and more importantly; get back on my bike!

I've set myself a target of being fit enough to race in the first event of the Notts & Derby Cyclo Cross League in September 2008 (Looking like the picture of me only ten years ago). I went out today and did a steady eighteen miles, next week i'll double that.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thai Home gets broken into!

We heard this afternoon that our house in Thailand had been broken into. Nuch's Dad gave us a call with the good news.

Nuch's family use the house at the weekend, which is great as they can see any problems like this fairly sharphish. It was obviously a one man band as he had left big stuff like the PC, TV and thank god my golf clubs.

He had taken the DVD player which was cheap anyway and rattled when played, my iPod, which again is no great shakes too me. He had also taken several Bhudda images that Nuch's Grandma had given us. These in particular have made Nuch very unhappy. Luckily my handgun, knife, CSGas and night stick were left alone, this is good because should I ever find out who it was i'll gas them, beat them, stab them and then shoot them. The Boys in Brown will probably pat me on the back for services too the community.

Thailand is being plagued at the moment by break ins, this like the UK is probably drug fuelled. Despite its strict anti drug laws, Thai teens regually flaunt the law to get hold of Yabba, a sort of E for the masses.

The house as been secured and this as prompted our decision to rent the house out and get a bit of income back.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Lets get interactive

Like the BBC and many other media outlets, Interactive is the new buzz word. Not to be out done i've added a poll at the side in yellow. I will change every fortnight or so.

Also i've added a messeage board, you can put a message on the board, if i'm about i'll answer straight away or if there is someone else out there looking at the same time, they'll maybe spark up a conversation with you.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Thai News

Whats been happening in Thailand over the last three months? Well it seems not too much.

Thailand is still on par with goverments like Burma and Pakistan as far as democracy goes. The publis voted for a new constitution, more out of "Lets get over this" mood than anything else. General Sonthi the coup leader as resigned as army cheif. You can bet your bottom dollar he'll run in the elections when ever they are.

Thailand kept its head down when there was all the unrest in Burma. Hoping not to draw anyones attention to the fact Thailand is a military dictatorship.
The King who celebrates his 80th birthday later this year as been very unwell, hopefully he gets well soon and leads the country in celebrations.

The most important thing though, is the success of Man City. Thaksin's master stroke of taking over a premiership side is a stroke of genius. The Thai courts want him back in the country. They need to be careful, they may get what they wish for.

From the expats i've spoke to, the dollar exchange rate is hitting hard, not so many vistors from the states. The pubs are still go going and a slight relaxation of the closing times. I'm looking forward to getting back over in feb/march next year.

I'm Back!!!!!

After three months out of the system, dealing with a new job, two moves and a physco ex-Boss. I'm finally getting down to re-posting.

I have loads of posts in the offoing and also a new address for the site. I'll put the posts on as they happened and when I catch up i'll delete this post.

All the best for everyone who as been in touch.


Saturday, November 03, 2007

Bonfire Night

Well not quite, I took Elizabeth too see her first Guy Fawkes Night display. It was bitter cold and blinkin' dark.

Once the fire got going, the place soon warmed up. Elizabeth loved the fire, she ust stared at it in wonder. The fireworks didn't have the same effect because she was tired out. I've included a couple of pictures for you.


The picture above is my version of IKEA, basically Hell!
Too many people, not enough parking! Some good bargains and alot of crap you don't need but still buy.
One good thing, the meatballs are pretty tasty.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Deep Deep Winter

I got to admit that Nuch is coping well with the cold. Bearing in mind that the lowest temperature she had come across before the UK was about 19C, then the temps these last few days should have done her in.

She was amazed to see her breath in the cold, I tried to convince her it was a sign of bad breath!

Obviously she as got too cope with the first frost, then ice and then maybe snow. That should be good for a laugh.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Crazy Aussie swims naked

Here's another story from Pattaya City News "Drama on Pattaya Beach as crazed Australian Man is rescued from the sea" Sounds pretty normal for an aussie!
"In the early hours of Thursday Morning, Police and Sawang Boriboon Rescue Workers were called to Pattaya Beach in front of Soi 10 after reports of a foreign man who had swam out to sea were received by concerned members of the public. A rescue boat was scrambled to the location after the man who was thought to be drunk and mentally disturbed, could not be located. Eventually the man was recovered from the sea, some 500 meters off the shoreline. The naked man, later identified as Mr. John Trevor aged 42 from Australia, sustained a minor head injury and a cut to his right foot and was attended to by rescue workers before he was taken to Pattaya Police Station and incarcerated for his own safety. We understand that he proceeded to harm himself while inside one of the cells, and a foreign police volunteer was called in to assist in calming the man down. Eventually Police determined that Mr. Trevor was involved in an argument with a woman moments before entering the water and we understand the argument was over 30,000 Baht which Mr. Trevor claimed was stolen from him by the woman. The Australian Embassy in Bangkok is aware of the case and will assist Mr. Trevor and the Police over the coming days."
For more Pattaya news go to www,

Monday, October 15, 2007

Pattaya City News

The Pattaya City News Online paper rocks! This internet paper delivers the news you want, all the gory details and photos to boot.

Follow this link to see actual pictures of a suicide attempt. You get to see pictures and a very matter of fact report.

Over the coming posts I shall be shamelessly showing you some of the more interesting offering from Pattaya City News.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Moving Home Again

This is now the fourth time, hopefully that'll be it for a year or so.

Its getting very, very boring.

Monday, October 01, 2007

New Job, New School

This morning Nuch started her new job, not what she is used too. She now works in a factory not an office. The wages though are around four times better than those in Thailand. Hopefully she'll do well at it and settle down more in the UK.

At the same time Elizabeth was starting in Nursery. I have always tried to shy away from her going to Nursery. I don't know why, I guess just being protective. She is in the Duckling group and seems to be settling in well.

Anyone after a good business model should think about setting up a nursery, at £560 per month, you know it makes sense!!!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Elizabeth's 1st Birthday

I can't beleive it as been one year since Elizabeth entered my life, I also can't beleive how much she asp changed me and my life!

We all hear how having a child changes you, well its true. I think now i'm more serious and look out for someone other than myself. She gives me alot in return and asks for very little.

We got her up at around 6am and gave her the presents people had sent her plus our presents. Like a typical baby she was more interested in the wrapping and packaging than the actual present. As you can see from the picture she is super happy.

We went to see my Mum and Alan who where up at their caravan, so we had a leisurely drive up to Brid. The weather to start with was foul. When we got there my Mum made us a cup of coffee and we settled in for the day. that was until Elizabeth climbong over Nuch spilt the whole cup of boiling coffee over her legs. We quickly pulled her jeans off and put her legs under a cold tap. Her legs were red, but the jeans had taken the brunt of the heat, Elizabeth was more pissed off about the cold water.

After a lovely tea we had a walk on the beach and headed home. next year we'll have a big party for her.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Moving Home

For the third time this year wer'e moving home, getting boring!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Phuket Air Crash

Today a 1-2-Go airliner crashed on approach to Phuket Airport. The conditions were said to be terrible, with near typhoon conditions.

First reports are that over 80 people have died including several brits. I know how hard some of these storms can be, its almost like a near sheet of water coming down.

Hopefully it wasn't pilot error, these are the rumours flying round at the moment.

Saturday, September 01, 2007


I'm not talking about the brilliant Alfred Hitchcock thriller, but the way someone can change in the matter of a few weeks into a raving lunatic.

My ex Boss, I wont name him but you know who I mean! as turned into said Psycho. I had a call from one of my next door neighbours who showed me a letter someone had sent anomynously (Coward) explaining that I was tapping into my next door neighbours wi-fi signal! The following day another neighbour came round and informed me he had contacted the Police on the basis of the letter.
I know it was my looser, coward, psycho, ladyboy loving ex-boss because the spelling and grammar on the letter where up to his usual standard (Shite) and the envelope was the same as the letter he had sent me the same day informing me that he was illegally with holding my salary until he had received back the deposit he had lent me for the house.

Someone I know confronted him, but he denied it. several other things have happened since this (he as a reputation as a serial stalker) and once the law as taken its time i'll be at liberty too name names and publish photos and stories that might not go down to well. The looser, coward psycho as woken a darker side of me. Things might take a few months, but REVENGE is a dish best served cold!!!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

41 today

Today was my birthday, in all fairness it was pretty boring.

Wer'e a bit skint at the moment, just cards this year. The worst thing is my likeness becoming more and more like Homer Simpson. I know I have a little bit more hair and my skin isn't yellow. However from then on the likeness gets uncanny!

Could be worse, I could look like Derek or TGB from Hull!!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Thaksin says "No Way"

Thaksin and wife at Man City
Today, ex Thailand PM Thaksin Shinawatra says he is not going to go back to Thailand to answer the corruption charges laid against him by the Thai military junta. He as hired a top lawyer firm in the UK (Wont be cheap) to fight extradition.

He says he as no charges to answer to and these are only political motivated accusations. He may be right, I wouldn't have thought the junta would like to close an inspection into some of their affairs!

Also Thaksin is the hero of Man City fans at the moment, two wins out of two promotes him to demi-god. I also believe that the UK goverment is unlikely to send him back on political charges especially being as Thailand is ruled by a military junta and is not democratic.

New Job

It didn't take too long, in fact I was offered the job last friday. There were just a few things to iron out with regards to the package and away you go.

I'm getting back into the Power transmission side of things, its what i've done for the last fourteen out of eighteen years, getting back to something I enjoy.

I cant wait to get started, Gardening leave is becoming a bit of a drag, now all i've got to do is find a place to live. I'll post more news when I get it. Unfortunately i'm going to have to change my mobile number again which is becoming a real pain in the ass.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Gardening Time Downside

Its all well and good being on gardening time between jobs, but i'm having to put up with some of the really sad shows that Nuch watches on TV.

In Thailand daytime TV consists of hidious soap shows, very bad copies of western game shows and variety shows that have too be seen to be believed. So shows like Jerry Springer, Jeremy Kyle and The Trisha Show are a reverlation to Nuch.

These shows show the the very worst that humanity as to offer the world. The scum of the world who fancy their fifteen minutes get their mugs on the idiot box and make the rest of us feel better about ourselves.

The Jerry Springer show is quite funny! Its also set in the US, which means you can laugh at the stupid trailer trash yanks. The Jeremy Kyle Show and Trisha Show are british and show the worst of the Chav britian as too offer. They wind me up so bad, I want too put my boot through the TV. So take my advice and never watch these programs, there is nothing to gain by it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Elizabeth Update

Its been a fair few weeks since I posted any news or pictures of Elizabeth.

She is growing so fast, she as mastered crawling and is now climbing up furniture to stand up. I've had to lower the cot so she doesn't climb out. With this new found freedom comes the need to say "NO" to her, obviously she totally ignores both Nuch and I!

This as bought about an age old question, smack or not smack? So far i've only tap her on her hand after she tried to play with fake coal from the gas fire, she sort of looked at me as if she knew that this wasn't normal for me to do. I don't think I will be able to go any further than this.

I think she still looks super cute, but then again i'm bias.

Big Vote in Thailand

The 19th of August sees a huge vote in Thailand. The people will be voting on the new constitution drawn up by the military junta.

Without getting boring, on the whole it seems a good document, bringing it in to line with alot of western democracies. The vote however will be a straight race between the supporters of the military and the supporters of the ousted PM Thaksin. It'll be a close call!

The picture is from the last election in the south of the country. With all their extra terrorist problems I bet there will be more soldiers on duty there than voters.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


As you can see my plans for world internet domination is gaining pace, up another million places in the last month in the Alexa standings.

Hopefully within the year HRH Google will come and buy me out for trillions of dollars! Obviously I wont except, I have some morals left. YEAH RIGHT!!!!!

So keep on reading the blog and adding to my numbers, spread the word folks.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Match of the Day

Derby Skipper Matt Oakley
Premier League new-boys Derby held their own against Portsmouth as both sides struggled with new-look line-ups.
With 10 debutants fielded, it was always likely the game may be scrappy but it started well as Derby's Matt Oakley volleyed in on five minutes.
Pompey drew level on 27 minutes when Benjani Mwaruwari's low shot slipped underneath goalkeeper Stephen Bywater.
John Utaka poked in to put Pompey ahead on 83 minutes but Andy Todd levelled with a diving header seconds later.

Also seeing Match of the Day again is a real treat, good ol' Gary, and the two Alans are easily the best pundit team on TV!

Well done Rams, another 95 points should see you win the Premiership.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

No Job

I found out the other day i'd lost my job, I found out today i'd been put on gardening leave for the rest of the notice period.

I don't know how to say I feel, gutted! is probably the best feeling, now I know how the guys at somewhere like Rover felt when they got the chop for something that wasn't anything of their doing.

My ex employer had his reasons, mostly financial, but there his problems, not ones to be discussed on the net. I think it will be the getting up and going to work routine that i'll miss. Luckily i've had worse than this in my life, so a blip like this wint get me down. Stuff like this this as to be risen above and life will go on.

Gives me more time to get on with watching Elizabeth grow.

I'll keep you informed about my job hunting stories. Anyone want my new mobile number, drop me an email.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Hello Kitty Shame

Police chiefs in the Thai capital, Bangkok, have come up with a new way of punishing officers who break the rules - an eye-catching Hello Kitty armband.
The armband is large, bright pink and has a Hello Kitty motif with two hearts embroidered on it.
From today, officers who are late, park in the wrong place or commit other minor transgressions will have to wear it for several days.
The armband is designed to shame the wearer, police officials said.
"This is to help build discipline. We should not let small offences go unnoticed," Police Colonel Pongpat Chayapan told Reuters news agency.
"Guilty officers will be made to wear the armbands in the office for a few days, with instructions not to disclose their offences. Let people guess what they have done," he said.
Further offences would be dealt with using a more traditional disciplinary panel, he said.

The cartoon character Hello Kitty was first introduced by Japanese company Sanrio in 1974.
The cute round-faced cat has become an Asia-wide marketing phenomenon, with Hello Kitty products such as stationery, hair accessories and kitchen appliances available across the region.

AFter the start of this valid crusade, the powers that be will start on the more important issues that face Thailand

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Carlos Tevez

How much more can happen or be written about this man?

He caused the biggest ooh haa in the Premiership last season, and looks like he'll be news at the beginning of this season. Tevez was signed by West Ham at deaths door last season, but West Ham didn't own him, a third party sports mamangement compnay owned the sports rights. This is against the rules of the premiership, so West Ham just tore up the contract with the third party and so appeased the Premiership and were only given a fine, not deducted any points which would have sent them down to the 2nd division.

The ruling above consigned Sheffield Utd to the lower division, one which they contested. Well now Man Utd want to sign the Argy, but who do they buy from? Technically it as to be West Ham, but their torn up contract isn't as torn up as they hoped. All this is going to the High Court. If there is any justice, this wont be resolved before the transfer deadline and he as too wait for the Utd move, Tevez, through probaly no fault of his own as caused more problems in English football than any other player. Far from me to say anything, would you want this strange looking man in your football team?

Monday, July 23, 2007

More Trouble

Yesterday saw some of the worst violence in Thailand since last years Military Coup. The next part was taken from a news service off the internet, they can say these things better than I can.

"BANGKOK, Thailand—Anti-government leaders said Monday they would continue their protests, despite facing potential criminal charges after a weekend demonstration turned into a riot that left 270 people injured.
About 200 policemen and 70 protesters were injured in clashes Sunday night when several thousand people demonstrated outside the Bangkok home of former Prime Minister Perm Tinsulanonda, said police chief Lt. Gen. Adisorn Nontree.
The protesters accuse Prem of instigating a coup last year that ousted the elected government of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. They demand that he resign as top adviser to King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Prem, 86, is also a former army commander respected by many in the military, including the group that staged last year's coup. He was at home during Sunday's tumult.
The protest, the latest in a series, came as Thailand prepares for the restoration of electoral democracy by the end of the year. A new military-backed draft constitution will be submitted to a national referendum in August, and national elections are expected in December.
Police filed charges against an alleged ringleader and five other people accused of involvement in the violence, which came at a protest whose leaders were mostly former top members of Thaksin's now-disbanded Thai Rak Thai Party.
The suspects were charged with "causing chaos, obstructing the work of authorities, and damage of state property, and they include a protest leader, Noparut Worachitwutikul," police Col. Supisan Pakdeenarunart told The Associated Press.
"This is not the end, and we will continue to fight for democracy until they step down," protest leader Jakrapob Penkair said, referring to the military chiefs who led the coup.
Protest leaders said they would file assault complaints against the police.
Sunday night's street-fighting began when police tried to detain protest leaders but were forced back by the crowd. Sporadic charges by police using pepper spray set off street fighting and wild chases.
The military-installed government that replaced Thaksin's after the Sept. 19 coup originally met with public favor, but its popularity has declined and there have been increasing calls for a relaxation of its political and social restrictions.
Thaksin, in exile since the coup, called on supporters to remain peaceful.
"Reconciliation is what I expect to see this government to put more effort for," he told reporters in Hong Kong."

Once again Thailand is in the news, and once again not for the right reason.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Posh & Becks

The news the last month or so is of the impending move of David Beckham from Real Madrid to somewhere called the LA Galaxy, (I must just add that Los Angeles is not the Galaxy, its just a large city on the western coast of the US!)

In all fairness David Beckham is one of the best football players in the world, and pretty much any Manager would have liked to have him in their squad. The deal with the Galaxy is said to be worth £50M over three years, whichever way you look at it, thats pretty good. I beleive it will be good for Beckham and good for US football.
Sadly poor David as had to bring all of his baggage to the US, this includes is wanna be wife Victoria. Not content in living the life of a superstars wife and a loving mother who used to be big in the Spice Girls. Poor Victoria as had to try and get in the act with her hubby. How can anyone seemingly be so far out of touch with reality that she is.

David Beckham is a huge worldwide star, in Thailand and South East Asia, pretty much every male over the age of eight as heard of him and most of the women want him. This is the main difference between the Beckhams. David is a superstar and excellent football player, Victoria is married to David Beckham!

Anyway, good luck in the States, makes loads of Doh and retire to a nice tropical island to live the rest of your lives in peaceful contemplation.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Nuch encounters Pervert

When I got home last night, Nuch recountered a strange and twisted tale to me.

Whilst on MSN someone whose sign in name was close to one of her friends asked her the usual how are you questions then asked if she wanted to view the web cam? Kind hearted Nuch of course said yes. She was then greeted by some sicko wanking himself off!!!!

Sad City or what?