Tuesday, November 13, 2007


In my job, the use of a Sat Nav is a must. Whilst I know my way to most cities in the Gt. Britian, once you get there you have to either rely on a basic set of directions from the customer or a dodgy set off the internet. These you have to read as you drive, so not to safe.

Sat Nav as made things alot easier, providing you do a few simple things;

  • If you know where you are don't use the satnav, you'll only laugh at ways that it tells you.
  • When you have an idea different to the satnav as to where your'e going, a general rule is to follow the satnav, unless you hear that you maybe heading into a traffic jam.
  • The satnav is only as good as the data you input into it.
Basically, a tool of my trade.

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