Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thai Home gets broken into!

We heard this afternoon that our house in Thailand had been broken into. Nuch's Dad gave us a call with the good news.

Nuch's family use the house at the weekend, which is great as they can see any problems like this fairly sharphish. It was obviously a one man band as he had left big stuff like the PC, TV and thank god my golf clubs.

He had taken the DVD player which was cheap anyway and rattled when played, my iPod, which again is no great shakes too me. He had also taken several Bhudda images that Nuch's Grandma had given us. These in particular have made Nuch very unhappy. Luckily my handgun, knife, CSGas and night stick were left alone, this is good because should I ever find out who it was i'll gas them, beat them, stab them and then shoot them. The Boys in Brown will probably pat me on the back for services too the community.

Thailand is being plagued at the moment by break ins, this like the UK is probably drug fuelled. Despite its strict anti drug laws, Thai teens regually flaunt the law to get hold of Yabba, a sort of E for the masses.

The house as been secured and this as prompted our decision to rent the house out and get a bit of income back.

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