Saturday, September 01, 2007


I'm not talking about the brilliant Alfred Hitchcock thriller, but the way someone can change in the matter of a few weeks into a raving lunatic.

My ex Boss, I wont name him but you know who I mean! as turned into said Psycho. I had a call from one of my next door neighbours who showed me a letter someone had sent anomynously (Coward) explaining that I was tapping into my next door neighbours wi-fi signal! The following day another neighbour came round and informed me he had contacted the Police on the basis of the letter.
I know it was my looser, coward, psycho, ladyboy loving ex-boss because the spelling and grammar on the letter where up to his usual standard (Shite) and the envelope was the same as the letter he had sent me the same day informing me that he was illegally with holding my salary until he had received back the deposit he had lent me for the house.

Someone I know confronted him, but he denied it. several other things have happened since this (he as a reputation as a serial stalker) and once the law as taken its time i'll be at liberty too name names and publish photos and stories that might not go down to well. The looser, coward psycho as woken a darker side of me. Things might take a few months, but REVENGE is a dish best served cold!!!!!

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