Sunday, August 07, 2005

Football at Last!

I chose the the wrong time to come out to Bangkok, just as the footy season was ending, all I've had on the sport channels is Basketball, Baseball and a little bit of golf. Wimbledon was a bore, with the result never much in doubt!
Thanks heavens now the soccer season as started again, and there I was, all ready and waiting listening to radio Derby online, just as they kicked off, the service finished and I was informed that the service was licensed to Derby County, so I had to hurriedly get on the Derby County Website and join their "Rams World", and may I say that at £34.99 a year it is well worth the price, for this I got to see the game real time over the internet and listen to the BBC commentary, although watching was a bit disjointed as i'm watching on Narrow Band. As you all know by now derby made a real fist of winning under the new Manager, but were only able to get a 1 -1 draw, however, it's one more point than last year!
The point to the post is technology, at one time
you would have to wait for a two day old paper to see the result. then there was the internet and as it happens action. However, technology cannot give you the taste of the fabulous Chicken Tikka Pie or a pint of John Smiths at half time, the atmosphere of the east stand or the long walk back to your car. I actually felt home sick for the first time since I had been here.
This feeling soon passed when I remembered what it was like when Pride park ran out of pies, or the beer que was 100 yard long and the long walk back to the car after a kicking by the home team and you've a three drive back in the rain.
Yin and Yang, it's the eastern way!

1 comment:

BangkokRam said...

I cant remember the last time I went to Pride Park Shop! Can you?