Saturday, July 23, 2005

Bangkok Life Part 7

Hello Everybody,
I’m still here! That is how I feel after the storm we had last night, wow!!! You know when you have snow storms with flakes like 50p pieces, well the rain yesterday evening was the same. The rain is very civilised out here, the sun goes in and you see the black clouds coming in, you know you have about 20 minutes to get inside. Last evening was the same, except when the rain came down, it was just like a wall of water, I could not see anything after 15Mtr, which meant I could not see the pool, and several trees were forced down with the typhoon strength winds. Apparently, the building in the picture “Elephant Building” was severely damaged; I will pop out on a bike ride today and check it out.

This week’s beer is called Red Horse, I think I have found the Holy Grail of beer, the most noticeable thing is the strength, 6.9%abv, it really packs a punch, this is beer is not for Eckington Lads, its taste matches its strength, the taste is like Stella on Steroids. The cost is 35p for a half pint can, so I estimate £2.10 to get steaming drunk.

Taste 8/10
Ease of getting pissed 9/10
Value 7/10
Total score 24

This week’s fruit is called the Longon, it is a Thai institute. I went by the greengrocers for many weeks thinking they were Jersey Royals, I had visions of a lovely salad with a few Jerseys on the side. They are Ok, the usual Thai fruit, peel off the skin to reveal a soft white fruit that is very sweet, this is getting a bit same same with Thai fruit, although next week we have my favourite.
Talking of fruit, Nuch brings loads of fruit juice from were she works, her company shares the building with a fruit juice company, I asked her to bring me some grapefruit juice! Stupid Girl bought grape juice, after a saviour telling off she gave me her explanation that she had bought me grape, which is a fruit and is in juice form, after a few days locked in a cupboard she realised her error and admitted this is maybe something you cannot get in Thailand. I will have to go to a Farang Shop to find. Crap Country!!!!!!

The last picture is just to prove I’m still here and not having these emails written by my kidnappers.


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