Friday, July 22, 2005

Bangkok Life Part 3

Hello Everybody,
I have found out that i've just missed 43 years of my life, yesterday the electricity bill arrived, the date was 05.20.48. I asked Nuch what the 48 was, it turns out that Thailand as a different calendar, it is really the year 2048. Looking in the mirror, I dont look too bad for an 82 year old.

I sort of got off my fat ass, next week I start Thai Lanquage lessons, it is a two week intensive course, so I will now be able to tell what people are saying about me. It is a good trip into town each day, i've also signed up at a gym nearby.

I had to suffer the Weekend Market again this weekend, I was also horrified when Nuch saw these ornimental flying birds, I thought she was joking, but no! she was deadly serious. I asked her if she had heard of Hilda Ogden and Coronation St.? "No"! So there they are in all their glory up on the wall. I did however buy a fantastic looking Orchid Plant, Only £4, I thought a bargain, Nuch is still in shock at the cost.

We are just drifting into the monsoon season, there hasn't been much rain, but when it comes, it comes big, as you can see, you cannot see more than 100m, it just comes down vertically, the good thing is it is warm. the average daily temp is about 34degs, the low at night is never below 28degs. I'm getting used to the weather, you just know you have to shower 2 - 3 times per day and maybe 2 lots of clothes.

The last picture is of a Tuk Tuk, these are a form of Taxi found in the city centre, they look groovy, they soon piss you off though! if you stop near a curb, you are soon hasseled by a about 3 Tuk Tuks, they are cheap and weave through the traffic pretty well, however, the safety aspect is very dodgy, you are open to the pollution and fumes and also they're driven by young men who think they are driving a rally car.....

Anyway, gotta go! Just about to play golf!

Talk to you all soon.


PS. I've recently found out it's the year 2548! So thats 543 years i've lost!!!!!

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