Saturday, October 06, 2012

Bring back torture

We have all heard about 5 year old April Jones this week. She was abducted from outside her home in Macynlleth in Mid Wales on Monday evening.

There as been a massive search undertaken by locals and police, on Wednesday a local man, Mark Bridger was taken into custody on the charge of conspiracy to kidnap.

Poor April as still not been found and as of yesterday, te police had to release Bridger or charge him.

Sadly he as now been re-arrested on charges suspected murder! We all what this probably means?

My point is, if the police have enough evidence to think Bridger is the culprit then why aren't they using all avenues to get the information out of him and I'm a little ashamed to say, maybe the use of more forceful means to extract info should be used!

Sometimes drastic times call for drastic measures. (Sorry liberal do-gooders)

I hope they find April soon...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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