Thursday, October 12, 2006

Poor Baby

Sadly, poor Elizabeth as had o go back to Hospital. Wednesday morning, she got up after a terrible night of no sleep for Nuch and I and proceeded to have a two hour bout of diaries, I know how serious this can be in a very young child, the biggest killer of new borns in the world.

Just to be safe we took her back to the Bcare, who as usual were very good. They took a sample to get a culture growing. Hooked her up to a dip and got us a room.

She had to stay in a second day, the Doctor wanted to be sure. Throughout the day her appetite returned and she slept more soundly. The Doctor as put us on a milk free formula for her and they identified an infection, but it was lost in translation.

Hopefully all will be well, she might not be two weeks old yet but I’ve grown quite attached to her.
13th Oct - Back home with Elizabeth, All's well!

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