Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Snakes on a Plate

The new film “Snakes on a Plane” is due out any time now. My latest experience of dining in Thailand as to be called “Snakes on a Plate”

Very close to the house, I have noticed a sign for a restaurant. Not thought much about, but I asked Nuch what the sign said. “Snakes” came the reply!

This as you can guess got my attention. It seems that this is what we would refer to as a Game restaurant in the UK, The menu had all the usual Thai stuff, but in a separate part of the menu there was a list of around a dozen specialities. A lot was lost in translation, so I’ll do my best.

“Deer” Venison
“Snake” Self explanatory
“Fish like snake” Eel
“Pig live in Jungle” Wild Boar
“Other fish” Who knows
“Frog” Probably whole one

I wasn’t very brave and went for the Venison, which was very nice. There was no way Nuch was going to eat anything from this part of the menu….

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