Monday, August 07, 2006

Massage Parlour, or Not?

Bangkok as the reputation for being the capital of the world for Massage Parlours. Too cut a long story short, it is!

There are hundred’s of Proper Thai Massage Parlours offering authentic Thai body massage and other spa treatments, these are legit establishments and everyone who visits Thailand should experience a Thai Massage.

There are also hundred’s of “Massage parlours”, you know the one’s I’m talking about, you can get a massage of sorts, but for male clients there are endless amounts of extra’s to be had!!!!

How do you spot the difference?

Actually it’s not that hard. First thing is the area they are located, the closer to the Go-Go bar areas, the more likely it’s an extra’s Parlour, although to confuse things, the one I’ve been to several times for a proper massage is in the heart of one of the red light areas. Secondly, the girls outside a proper massage joint will usually wear the same uniform, not high heels, short skirts and lashings of make up. Thirdly and probably the biggest give away is the price board. Most body massage cost around 350baht, if there is a special body massage on the same board for 1500baht, you’ll get a lot more than you bargained for.

Lastly the extra’s parlours tend to have a lot of neon lights, again not full proof but a good indication.

The one in the picture is an extra’s Massage Parlour, allegedly!

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