Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Bangkok Life part 21

This week was a little quieter than last, basically that means no Phil to go and get pissed with in an English pub!
The good news of the week was the birth of Nuch’s niece, a bonny 2.8kg bouncing baby girl. I saw her at around 5 hours old, she was super cute. Her mother is fine and everyone in the family is happy, this is the first girl in this generation. Nuch as chosen the nickname for the baby, “Ban ban” which means very cute.
Most days I ride to the Post Office to send my eBay parcels, on one ride I found a new route. By one of the rivers there is a path alongside. I don’t know where it goes, but I’ve been down about 5 miles, hopefully it will lead to some open countryside. It can get a bit smelly; it is used by some as an open sewer. Also along the way, the houses are built so close to the river it feels like your riding through people’s front rooms. I just nod and say “hey up” and get on my way. Most of the people look at me with a look of disbelief, that someone should be riding a bike for pleasure.
Although we’ve just had a couple of gloomy days, the weather is getting better. Daytime temperatures are steady at around 33C, nigh time it’s slipping to 24C. In the north of the country were they have had floods, the temperature dropped to 8C, I bet it was madness. People staying in their houses, thinking they would freeze to death. The picture from the Condo was taken at around 16.00, the colour could only be described as orange, and I thought we were going to have the mother of storms. Nothing happened! Well weird.
On bit of excitement was a huge fire about 2km away from the Condo, a factory that made tyres burst into flames, there were some mega explosions, the Expressway from the Airport was shut for a few hours, the traffic must have been chaotic.
Just off for the final look at the house. Making a final sweep of it before we sign it over as complete.

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