Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Bangkok Life part 18

Hello Everybody,
Been a very busy week. Last Wednesday we said goodbye to the Burns party, despite being a knackering experience showing Jackie around the shops, it was very good to see them and once again thanks to them for treating Nuch and I to our Dinners.

On Sunday we went to see the house,(Above). I was surprised to find out it was almost ready, we had to give it the once over before we sign for it later in the year, their were a few little niggly things that needed to be put right, sticking doors, a cracked lamp shade, stuff like that. I must admit I was very pleased with the house, it as a good size garden and loads of potential. We can’t move in yet because the infrastructure of the Estate is not ready, so we are looking towards the end of December, you will all be invited to the house warming!

I’m really having a good go on EBay, through boredom really, still not had my starting day for the new job, so in the meantime I’m going to have a go on EBay. If there is anything you need, just let me know.

On Monday night we had the biggest lightning storm I have ever witnessed in my life, some of the strikes seemed to stay in the air for seconds, the thunder that followed broke windows and set off car alarms off all over the place. It carried on for hours, while laying in bed the room was lit up like a disco; it was fantastic, although at times a little alarming.

Next week will be very busy; my best mate Phil is back in town, so late nights will be the order of the day.

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