The run up to New Year in Thailand always involves an incredible number road accidents, usually averaging out at 45 a day over the period. Nothing to unusual in that because due to the lack of safety enforcement across the whole of Thailand and the poor way vehicles are driven then this number is pretty low.
This week a serious accident on the Tollway going towards our house as made front page news across many parts of the world, not because of the tradgedy of 9 people being killed in the crash, but because of the driver who caused the accident.
The driver was 16 year old girl called Orachorn Thephasadin Na Ayudhya was driving a new car given to her by her very rich and powerful family. She had no license, no insurance and by the looks of the crash, not alot of driving sense either. Her Father is a top man in the Police or something and the family is part of the HI-so brigade, A group of super super rich Thai's who are above the law in thailand. They run the country through big business and political clout. A photo taken after the crash shows the young girl using her mobile phone, there are alot of rumours going around that she was updating her facebook page! I hope for the sake of human spirit she was calling or texting for help.
Another major factor in the crash was the minibus that she hit was carrying medical staff from a local Hospital including several doctors who are royal scholars. some of the poor victims were ripped from the van on impact and landed 20m below on a busy road. This loss of brain and experience as shocked Thailand. Within hours a Facebook page had been set up demanding justice (Lynch Mob). All the girls Facebook, Myspace and internet pages have been taken down and her family has asked for public calm.
The girl didn't turn up at an agreed meeting with the police yesterday and as been officially asked to report next wednesday. If she doesn't turn up, a warrant for her arrest will be issued. Probability is that she is already in the US were she is studying. Even if she does face the law, which I doubt! She won't have to face any responsibilty for what she as done. A case from the other year when a Hi-so boy had a disagreement with a bus driver and then drove his car into a que at a bus stop killing one person. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison, however bail was posted and he has never seen the inside of a jail. Probably a bit of blood money will be paid out and everything swept under the carpet. Even the press are scared to report any details. In the latest case, The Nation newspaper hasn't even printed the girls name!
I believe the explosion of hatred on social sites (Which can't be controlled in Thailand) is the frustration that Thai's feel at the moment. These social sites are giving Thai's more of a view of the outside world. One they don't normally see!
It is very coincidental that we are blogging about this story at the same time. I finished composing an entry on this tragic accident a few minutes ago.
I would like to think it was "Great Minds think alike", I did the post because I'm sick of my wife going on about it! She is trawling every Thai site. Taking in every item, whether true or maybe true!
Happy new year
Happy new year to you too.
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