Yet again, Thailand is in the news for the wrong reason, the mononity of these kind of stories is getting depressing.
The latest is the Ziog Zag scam at the new airport at Bangkok. Basically, with little cause you can be accused of shop lifting from one of the duty free shops run by King Power. Whether you are guilty or not. In one case a professional couple from the UK were taken to the local nick when it looked like the lady had put some make up in her bag. Once in the cell they were given an interprrtor who explained that normal Thai justice could take weeks and months, but for a large sum of money the charge could be brought forward and evryone would be happy. So this couple went to the ATM and transferred the rest of the money.
They were released and the charges were dropped. Upon their return to the UK they contacted the BBC and spalshed the news nationally. This bought a flood of other tales on the same subject, in one case the large sum of money direct into the top coppers bank accounts.
What as the Thai goverment done about this? Nothing!!!! as usual. Sod foreigners, we only need their holiday cash, tough if they get ripped off.