Friday, July 31, 2009

Pattaya death toll July 2009

This month began with a flurry and sort of wimped out. Using as a source the biggest up turn is the chance of being mugged at night on Beach Road by Lady Boys, the incidents have gone way up this last few months!!

July 2009
Road Deaths 1 (1 Morrocan)
Natural 5 (1 Swede, 2 German, 1 Norwegian, 1 Belgium)

Total for 2009
Road Deaths 3 (2 Brits, 1 Morrocan)
Murder 3 (2 Brits, 1 unknown)
suicide 5 (1 Aussie, 1 Dutch, 1 Irish, 1 German, 1 Yank)
Natural 20 (4 Brits, 3 Swede, 1 Dane, 3 Yanks, 7 German, 1 Belguim, 1 Norwegian)

Not so good for the Germans!!!!


Big Skippy said...

the germans? seems like the brits take at least an equal hit (8 brits and 8 germans). in fact, the brits seem to have it worse, as 2 of their deaths were the result of murders.

BangkokRam said...

The Brits being being involved in bad deaths is noting new! Beer + Trouble = Brits!!!!
There are four times more Brits registered with the immigration service than Germans living in Pattaya. Thats only registered, I would expect there are even more than that unregistered. So pro rata, you have more chance of popping your clogs if your an elderly German than a pissed up Brit. or something like that!!!!