Saturday, February 04, 2012


This week I went to Scotland for the first time ever. I seemed to have been to dozens of countries all around the world, but neglected to visit this one on my doorstep!

I was there with work, being shown by Lenny at our Grangemouth Depot. During the full day that I spent on the road I got to see alot of mid Scotland and Glasgow.

It did seem different to to England, the acsent was amazing! With everything ending with the word "PAL" eg. "See you Pal". At one appointmentin the sticks, I really had to strain to catch what was being said. I also had a lengthy discussion about Irn Bru. It seems, that in Scotland, Irn Bru is drunk like we drink Coca Cola.

I stayed at Airth Castle Hotel, I was surprised that I stayed here! It was a four star Hotel well above my pay grade, but I didn't knock it.

I visited Park Head, the home of Celtic Football Club, and went through such notorious neighbourhoods as Govan and The Gorbals. Both looked pretty smart to me.

One thing I noticed was the lack of any non white people. During my whole stay I only saw one Black lady pushing her baby and that was in the heart of Glasgow. I was told "We don't have many Darkies up here"!

I would like to re-visit Scotland, but when the weather is better and of course with Nuch and Elizabeth.

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