Sunday, October 09, 2011

Bad Thai Flooding

Over the past four weeks, Thailand has been experiencing some of It's worst flooding in living memory. Heavy monsoon rains and several Super Typhoons in the China Sea have added to the deluge. All this seems to be heading for a Perfect Flood in Bangkok with two King tides coming up in the next two weeks.

The flood surge as slowly, but surely heading south from the North of the country. The main Chao Prya river that runs through Bangkok as burst the banks of all the Towns and Cities to the North and several Dams have been forced to let water go. This as of course made the situation worse.

However, everything will be fine for Bangkok! Bangkok's Govenor "Sukhumbhand Paribatra", seen in the picture took a bhuddist statue to a Temple to pray for the water to subside. So thats OK then! Other loon schemes include having a convoy of Tugs to push the flood water out to sea.

I've been in Thailand during a flood and there is a lot of water about, also componded by snakes trying to find dry ground and even alligators causing trouble. Lets hope that the predicted flood yet again leaves Bangkok largely unscaved.


Mihnea said...

I guess the floods are already invading Bangkok... let's hope the damage will be minimum!

Karn Bulsuk said...
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Karn Bulsuk said...

We're hoping everything will be find but somehow, given everything that's going on, I think most Bangkokians are preparing for the worst. Since the waters have now reached the city proper, we're just going to have to wait and see just how bad it gets.

I want to share the feelings that many of us have about the situation as well: People are scared and they simply don't trust the government at this point in time - we've been receiving conflicting and contradictory messages, while as you said, the government doesn't want to tell people everything. Now it's every man for themselves. We're stockpiling food, water and essentials in fear that we have no clue how bad the floods will be, how long it will last and how deep it will be. It's like waiting for a tsunami in slow motion to hit us.

I just want to share some of the experiences we're having right now in Bangkok, and what we're going through:

BangkokRam said...

"It's like waiting for a tsunami in slow motion to hit us".

That is the best description of the current floodings I have heard.

I see that Gaysorn as put sandbags in front of the Entrances. That is Hi So heaven, so my guess is, they know something the rest of Central BKK don't!

Stay dry and safe, make sure youve got plenty of safe drinking water...