Whitby is a well known Harbour Town in North Yorkshire. Probably best known for the ruined Abbey that features in the Dracula novel, being has it was written by the author Brams Stoker whilst looking out at the Abbey.
It is also has a large Harbour which lands fresh fish everyday. This was the main reason for going, when I was a teeneage I spent a week there with school and remember seeing fresh crab being sold. Nuch loves seafood and was pleased to find several shops selling crab, lobster and prawns. That part of the trip completed we set about finding somewhere to eat. I had heard of Magpies Fish and Chip shop, a superb reputation and always a que to get in, guess what? There was a bloody long que so we ended up at a restaurant called Marina. Nuch had a huge lobster, apart from the messing about she really liked it.
There are plenty of little shopping streets selling all sorts of nik naks and touristy stuff, the North Yorkshire Moor as a station there and the Moors are only a few miles away. Other near attractions include Robin Hoods Bay and Staines. Even though its getting quite a bit north, Whitby is just about a day trip destination from Derbyshire.