My job means that I have to work away from home on a regular basis.
Several weeks a year I stay away all week, usually this is with a colleague for company, however the week just past I had to complete the week alone. At first is ok, but on the second day you realise that you haven't spoken to anyone about anything other than work, the driving starts to take its toll and the days begin to meld into one.
I always stay in nice hotels. Monday I stayed in Glasgow at an hotel called CitizenM, this is an uber modern hotel in the centre of Glasgow. It as cubicle rooms with a huge bed that takes up over a third of the room, it as superb wifi, free movies and a really cool vibe.
The following day I spent at the Bird Hills Hotel in Edinburgh, whilst the hotel was ok, it was somewhat out of the city centre so I had to eat in the hotel. Again not speaking to a soul.
I then had a super long drive after my appointment in Edinburgh, I finished up at the Black Lion Hotel near Abergele in North Wales. This was in a super remote spot, no mobile signal, but remote in a peaceful type of a way. I had to eat at the pub because there wasn't anywhere else within 10 km.
The following night was spent in Harrogate, this northern town is always a pleasure to stay in, the choice of restaurants and bars is excellent and the Holiday Inn is superb.
Anyway, the best thing about being away all week is the getting back home. Sadly planning my next excursion. Luckily only for a couple of nights and both staying in Harrogateand the second night at least with colleagues.