This as been news for the last six months. Ever since LA (Lance Armstrong) decided not to cooperate with an USADA inquiry, everyone thought the worse. I decided to give this bloke the benefit of the doubt.
In 2002/3, I myself was very ill. All the time I thought if LA can come back from cancer then I should be able to get back to the level of performance that I was at several years earlier. Lets put things in to some perspective. LA is a Premiership team like Man Utd, in comparison I would be playing in the Unibond League for Belper Town.
Unfortunately, I was and have never been able to get close and this at times as made me mad with myself. I just couldn't commit to the level of dedication that LA showed in his books and DVDs. ( Which I own, but thats another story).
However, after the interview the other night with Oprah Winfrey in which LA partially came clean and admitted doping, a few things dawned on.
These are the parts of the LA recovery that I didnt complete:
Be part of the largest ever doping circle in the history of pro sport
Take Human Growth Ormones
Take EPO
Take Steroids
Have complete blood transfusions
Have the backing of $100,000,00's of sponsors funds
Manipulate people close to me to my advantage
Maybe, just maybe if I Had been able to have a part of these cheats, then who knows. Maybe I could have been a contender?
In short, LA totally disgusts me, Jail will be to good for him. The very least he needs to do is apologise to all the people he abused, tell the full story of his doping history and then give all the money he gained during the doping era needs to be either given back or given to the Lvestrong Foundation.
Never been let down like this before.......