Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This is the latest viral video doing the rounds in the UK. It shows a possibly drunken or drugged up Bitch of a woman on a tram in London hurling racist abuse at any non-white person on it.

One of the saddest parts is the fact that she as her Toddler child sitting on her knee and is giving it several rounds of Fucks in front of him without a care.

In America, she would be described as Trailer Trash. In the UK, she would be called a Chav, but I belive that description is being disrestpectful to Chav's.
Since this video as been posted online, the woman as been arrested for spouting racism, similar to the charge John Terry may have to face. The lady is also recieving some support online, but this is very, very small.

Don't get me wrong, even though I'm married to an Immigrant and have a mixed race Daughter, I believe that the UK does havean Immigrant problem, but in my view it's nothing to do with skin colour, but with people entering the country illegally and not putting anything back into society.

Watch the Video and judge for yourself.

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