Thailand is in the thick of it at the moment, what with a severe border clash with neighbour Cambodia and lots of rumours of a new coup.
The latest clash between the neighbours started last week and has seen five straight days of fighting. The fighting started a distance from the Phra Vinear Temple which has been the focus of clashes in the past. Thailand claim Cambodian troops moved into an area which hasn't been officially demarcated. The cambodians say that they were only defending their territory from advanced patrols sent out by Thailand.
Like every conflict it is the civilians who suffer the most, with casulties and evacuations on both sides of the border.
Unfortunately, Thailand is reluctant to have any independent troops on Thai soil, a condition that cambodia is demanding. This as given Cambodia the moral high ground in the eyes of the world and they are making full milage out of it.
All this is going on in the back drop of a rumoured coup in Thailand. This week two Regiments have paraded in Bangkok to express their loyalty to the generals and the Monarchy. The same thing happened the last time their was a coup (2006).
The Army has instructed the courts to charge several opposition MP's and intellectuals with Lese majeste. This is a law which forbids any critisism of the Monarchy and the Royal Family and is sadly used as a political toy to beat undisirables with.
The Electoral Commission is using the border conflict to say that the proposed election planned for june may have to be put on hold until later,
Finally, a least a dozen Red Shirt radio stations in bangkok have closed down and earlier this week the thaicom satalite went down for several hours. Some say as a rehersal for a coup, the official line is that a computer filure caused the downtime.
I hope there isn't a coup because this is the last thing Thailand needs. Thailand needs a coalition unity Goverment and the needs of its people should come first and the greedy rich need to let go of some of Thailands wealth.
(Never happen)......
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