The phrase "Beggars belief" doesn't start to explain the situation a 54yr old Brit as found herself in whilst teaching in Sudan.
Gillian Gibbons, a respected teacher from Liverpool was teaching a primary class in Sudan and asked the children to name the teddy. The most popular name was "Muhammad". Fairly ordinary. Unfortunately not in one of several backward Muslim countries around the world. After being grassed up by a fellow teacher she as recieved 15 days in a hell hole prison, serving time with hardened criminals like adultrers and woman who have accused the wrong man of rape.
The UK goverment as protested strongly, great!
I would put an immrdiate freeze on any Sudanese person entering the UK, Do spot checks on all Sudanese immigrants. Should there be any infringement of their visa, they're back to Sudan on the first plane.
I'm sick of these wacko states spouting Islam as the law. I feel sorry for the so called normal muslims who are labelled with the same tag. But they need to start having a go at these states rather than calling UK citizens for negative Islam views.