Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Thailand is loosing the plot

Events in Thailand seem to be lurching into chaos. Today the ex PM Taksin Shinawatra and his Thai Rak Thai political party as been disbanded and all top members banned from goverment for five years.

This action I doubt will go un-answered, Thaksin as a huge support base in rural Thailand, only a small percentage of the population took to the street last year to protest against him.

At the time of the coup, many foreigners and the BAngkok Middle Class seeme quite pleased at the Thaksin outing, I wonder what they are thinking now, I can't see how they could possibly think things are better in Thailand under the military Junta. I spoke to at least a couple of dozen Thai's regarding the coup and non of them were happy with the outcome, I know that isn't a large poll, but for all of them to be in favour of Thaksin and democracy must mean something.

Thailand is a real joke at the moment, what with the Military Junta, You Tube ban, Dodgy Stock Market, Puppet Goverment, two faced values and now the Thai Rak Thai debacle. Things are worse.

I'm just glad Nuch is coming over next week.

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