During the time I lived and spent in Thailand, I was never able to comply with the near expectation that I should drink and drive!
At times such as Songkran, the road death rates in Thailand sore to nearly 300 in five days. The carnage is shocking! Most of these road deaths involve at least one party being drunk. It is the norm to drink and drive.
Should you ever get stopped, a few hundred baht given to the Officer that stopped will solve any issues involving you being pissed. In the UK shame is used as a tool to stop people drink driving. If the shame doesn't work, then loosing your license, higher insurance policies and even jail deter most people.
I have been told by close friends in Thailand not to worry about drinking and driving, "everyone does it". Sadly I can't bring myself to do it! I couldn't cope with the guilt for the rest of my life.
Has the picture shows, even large breweries like Carlsberg endorse drink driving! I'm not sure our Advertising Standard Agency would like this advert.