Sunday, February 18, 2007

Lunar New Year

In Thailand, like most of south east asia and the far east, Lunar new year is a big thing. This year is the Year of the Pig, not an ordinary pig, but a golden pig year. This only happens every 60 years.
Nuch celebrated like most of the people on the project. She spent alot of time preparing a small feast to keep the spirits happy and then displayed it.

The observant one will notice the chicken still posseses its head and it giblets at the side, it is also boiled cooked, ummm, my favourite!!!

We took the food round to Nuch's family were the neighbours were pissed at ten in the morning.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

More censorship

The censorship in Thailand is reaching epidemic proportions.

I was recently watching Sin City which as to be one of the most violent movies made, full of decapitations, rape, murder and all manner of slaying.

All this is fine on Thai TV at 3pm, you aren't allowed however to show anyone smoking. The image is pixelled out, straight away you know they are smoking, they only draw attention to the fact.

The country as gone bonkers!!!!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Talc addiction

This is not the name of some alternate rock band but the everyday love affair betwenn Thai's, their children and the amount of Talc they ladel on them.

After every wash Elizabeth is coated head to foot in talc, its like a blizzard. When her Grand Parents get hold of her its even worse.

It does however make for a good laugh.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Thai Wedding

Nuch, Elizabeth and myself were very lucky to be invited to a Thai wedding at a workmates of Nuch's house.

There was no pomp and ceremony like an english wedding, the happy couple and her close family were locked in the house whilst a load of monks gave it some chanting, then it was over, the Monks went back to the Temple and the newly weds mingled with the guests.

Whilst all this had been happening the guests had all been tucking into a load of food and beer, this got my thumbs up!

So good luck to Chin and Da....