Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Thaksin's Back!

Former Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra has been asked to address the US Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe about Human rights issues in Thailand.

This has caused a big too do in Thailand, mainly because It's put Thaksin back in the news. He has been conspicous by his absent in recent months. The Thai government is desperate to get Thaksin back to face justice with regard to a dodgy land sale to his wife whilst he was in power.

It's also interesting that no member of the current Thai government as been asked to attend the human rights meeting, the reason for this is any one's guess? I don't think the US is happy with Thailand regarding the Military coup in 2006 or the direction Thailand is headed down the democracy route (Going the wrong way). There is also talk that this all an elaborate plot to get Thaksin into the US so he can extradited back to Thailand. I can't see this being the case, some of the people that have invited him to the US are congressmen, they wont stand for stuff like that. (or will they)?

The Thai foreign minister "Kasit Piromya" said he will request the extradition from the US should Thaksin step foot there.

I find it strange that Thaksin has been asked to sddress this committee, his record on human rights whilst he was in office was the best, so why he is going to give a talk on the current state of affairs is strange.

Lets wait and see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As expected, Thaksin has already chickened out. Usually whatever comes out of his mouth is hot air. It was just another publicity seeking stunt from the fugitive. By the way, this is an interesting programme on Channel4 regarding the ongoing Thai political crisis: