Friday, August 04, 2006

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is the largest religious site in the world, located near Siam reap which is Cambodia’s second city, it is a pretty cool place and should you have three days spare whilst in Bangkok, it is worth going to see.

Built nearly a 100 years ago, the whole complex is huge, there are many temples all around the site, some still not accessible because of land mines.

Other's with the famous Banyon faces are just incredible.

Most of the tours take three days, they take in the floating village, if your not ready for some third world sites and smells dont go on this part of the trip. You can visit a Killing Fields memorium, which is worth the visit, if only to think about all the jokes that were amde up about the cambodians weren't really that funny!

At night there is a good traditional kheomer dance festival for you to visit.

Two draw backs are that it is in Cambodia, you all know how I feel about the place and the only way to get there from Bangkok, is by Bangkok Airways, they charge a fortune for the privilage.

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