Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thai Election 2011 (part 5)

On our recent visit to Thailand we were greeted by every lampost, tree and telegraph pole being festooned in election posters.

Most were the regular run of the mill picture of the candidate and which party they support. However some really caught my eye and imagination:

The above poster is from the PAD, they want people to vote no in the upcoming election. They are using posters of monkeys, water buffalos, dogs and monitors dressed as politicians. Many parties are very unhappy with the posters and there is a campaign to get them banned.

This poster is of the PTP leader Yingluck. She is the sister of Thaksin Shinawatra, she is ahead in the polls and is a pretty foxy looking chick.

The geezer is called Chuwit, he is a self made millionaire, making his money from brothels and massage parlours. He as a bad temper, but appeals to peoples sense of right. His posters are pretty good at getting his message across, he also speaks his mind on TV. He as also caught the imagination of the press by putting some posters up in english and advertising his facebook and twitter accounts.

I wonder what will to these 1000's of posters after this is all finished?

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